Special Access Program - SAP
29 Liability-Free Years of Bounty Hunting Sources and Methods Revealed


This Special Access Program “SAP” Bailspeak webpage is a new venture for the, arguably, most venerable bounty hunter and bail bondsman California “Approved” bail education school in the United States excluding the states where commercial bail does not exist: Illinois, Kentucky, Oregon, Wisconsin, Maine, Washington D.C. respectively and according to the latest research.


Special Access Program

Smartphones and Operational Security

Special Access Program

Body Armor Fitting Suggestion

Special Access Program

Body Cameras and the Wide Shot

How much do bounty hunters make?  Do bounty hunters get paid hourly?


How do bounty hunters get paid?

The above are a few samples of questions that Bailspeak receives very frequently to include Facebook messaging, and there is no definitive answer because bounty hunting is a trade in terms of pay just like a carpenter, or plumber, custom home builder, or electrician and even a handyman; you do the work and get paid or don’t do the work and there is no pay.


Nevertheless, earning $1,387.84 an Hour bounty hunting or more is wholly possible for independent contractors, and I am living proof of that!


There are approximately 300 fulltime, hourly with bonuses and commissions or salaried bounty hunters working in California—some with company cars and expense accounts; however, most bounty hunters are tradesmen who get paid when the job is done. 


An independent bounty hunter will get paid commensurate with his or her (there are some rocking female bounty hunters in California) ability to close bail jumper cases.  I personally know of quite a few who break six figures yearly but work their hindquarters off to do it no doubt.  Frankly speaking, those who don’t have the innate talent to bounty hunt (to include marketing their bounty hunting business) will struggle.


The above video shot at a live class nearly ten years ago is my personal design to not only get paid but to also lower liability and present the best options for my bounty hunting clients—bar none; it worked then and still works today!



Education Matters,


Rex Venator

Bailspeak Instructor

Copyright 2018 Bailspeak, All Rights Reserved

Bailspeak Alumni are known to have more than a total of 60 hours of certification training that is required by California laws to bounty hunt in California; indeed, many come from the following prior occupational backgrounds:


- Police

- Detectives

- Police SWAT

- Sheriff

- Sheriff’s SWAT

- Military Police

- Marines

- Marine Scout Snipers


- Navy

- Navy Teams


- Army

- Army Scout Snipers

- Army Rangers

- Army Special Forces


- Private Investigators

- Security Professionals

Stated differently, the SAP channel will have loads of information to share that will most likely appeal to an expansive audience of folks interested in all things cool.


- Man Hunting

- Body-Guarding

- Tips and Tricks

- Cool product reviews

- Naming names of rascals

- Consumer Safety Tips

- Defensive Handgun Studies

- Long Range Rifle Studies

- Self-Defense Studies

- Situational Awareness Studies

- Martial Arts Studies

- Street Fighting Studies

- Military Studies

- History Studies

- Starting a Small -Business Studies

- Money Making Studies

We can go on and on here.

No Surveillance Bounty Hunting: The Art of Door Knocking

How to Lawfully Transport Firearms as a

Bounty Hunter in California

“Rex is the BEST Bailspeak Teacher!  [I] learned a lot about the laws of Bail Bonds & Bounty Hunting.  Rex is very fluent with every topic explained everything to the “T”.  I would recommend Rex to anyone.”


“[I] learned to stay alive, out of jail, and that I have a lot of reading to do!  [I have] no regrets in choosing Bailspeak or taking this class.”


“I feel as if I have learned a lot these last 3 days.  [I liked] the way that it [the class] was laid out & presented.  I’m looking forward to taking more of his courses in the future!”


“[The class was] very informative – interesting.  [I liked] the knowledge that I gained.  GREAT JOB!”


“I like how it focused not only on bounty hunting but included bail as well.”


“[I liked the] scenarios & stories that related to the material & also the history of things that were discussed as well.  Instructor was excellent!”


Above comment lines in Section 1.1 next to “The Speaker(s) he wrote:

“Really involves knowledge w/experience”.  “Rex is an amazing instructor.  I look forward to being a bail bondsman because if I have any doubts & can’t reach someone from my company, Rex would willingly help me.  [I liked] the Instructor Rex.  I am motivated even more to follow this career path.”

“What I like about the course of the penal codes were serious.”


“[I liked] how informative the instructor was & his passion for teaching to keep his students safe and within the laws.  It has been a pleasure to be in this course with Rex.”


“[I liked] the information on how to do things right!  Rex Rocks!”


“I like all the knowledge you learn from the course.  Very good instructor.  He knows his stuff!”


“Excellent course.  It definitely opened my eyes to what really happens in the bail industry.  What to do and what to avoid was explained in great detail.  [I liked] that it was honest and by the book learning without explaining “how to cheat” and instilled ethics to abide by.  I wish all the instructors were as honest and knowledgeable as Rex is.”


“Very informative and clearly presented subject matter.  Lessons through examples helped me relate the information to real world situations.  [I like] the quality of information as well as the attention to current bail laws & procedures.  I appreciate the future availability of the instructor via open line to Alum.”


“Rex is an amazing instructor.  [I liked] the topics of coverage.  Instructor, class size, in action with instructor knowledge he portrayed or material given.  I would have liked more time to learn all the material that Rex could have been able to teach each of us!  Definitely recommending this course to future clients/friends! Rex, thank you for your time & dedication to the craft and making our industry well worth what it stands for.”

“[I liked that the course was] very professional and informative, I enjoyed it!!”


“[I liked the] handouts and presentations/stories really help keep me interested and focused.  Thank you for all the hand outs and quizzes, they were a lot of help!”


“Great class!  I learned a lot more than I thought I would in just three days.  I am going to be using Rex and Bailspeak throughout my bail and bounty hunting path.  [I liked] the entire course, we were interactive and had great energy throughout the weekend.  Loved the course and the handouts were very helpful!”


“[I liked the] small size of the class. Glad I took it over the other courses in California.”


“The class was great, Rex is an amazing teacher!  [I liked] the stories.  Keep doing it!”


“Great experience, I was able to stay active.   The class created an interest for more.  [I liked that] the class wasn’t boring.  I was able to get real life scenarios to help establish points.  Thank you for your time & knowledge!”


“I came into this completely green/uninterested because my dad & uncle were doing this.  Seems like there’s a lot of unthruthful/unlawful teaching out there, and Rex teaches things the right way!  The instructor seems to know his stuff and I like that he wants us to follow laws.”

Bounty Hunter Pistol Gun Transporation II

Bail Bonds and Bounty Hunting methods and strategies have in some ways evolved and yet have also remained timeless in other ways.  The difficult task is in understanding and adapting to that area between the evolution of bail and the effectiveness of time tested gumshoe work.


With respect to bounty hunting investigations, I have come to accept that there is no check the list form or structured way to find wanted felony bail bond fugitives; each and every bail jumping case that I have worked and closed were all unique insofar as actually locating, identifying, apprehending and booking wayward bail bond clients.


The inescapable fact is that times do change and so must bounty hunters in order to go home safely to get paid safely.


Bail jumpers and their associates are often the same people that both law enforcement personnel and bounty hunters have an interest in but for different reasons: law enforcement personnel enforce government laws; bounty hunters enforce private civil surety contracts.  These realities are extremely important to the bounty hunter for his her own legal protections.


In my experience bounty hunting for nearly a quarter century, a hard-pressed and desperate bail jumper looking at 25 to Life in state prison couldn’t care less who is walking through a door with handcuffs and neither do equally wanted associates; all these wanted felony fugitives know is that handcuffs are coming through the door, and no one knows who those handcuffs are for—think about that in terms of today’s mindset towards the fine men and women of today’s law enforcement agencies.


There have been very tragic events in recent years where bail bondsmen, bounty hunters and law enforcement personnel were murdered not by the people they were seeking but by the associates of the people they were seeking, and all of these occurred after the photographs were taken in this thread.


Times change and so must we; however, there are those out there who do not change and will expect and even demand that today’s bounty hunters also not change.


Take caution and be mindful that it is you and your team at that door.


Take caution and never allow anyone tell you how to knock on that door.


Take caution and know who you’re going through that door with.


Take caution and check your flanks for third party bandits.


Take caution and have your exfiltration covered always.


Take caution and go home safe.


Thank You ~ Rex Venator

California Bounty Hunting Service

Duty Belt Setup for Bounty Hunters

DUTY BELT RIGS for bounty hunters, also known as bail enforcement agents and fugitive recovery agents, is a critical topic of study irrespective of trends such as exterior “tactical vests” with a variety of equipment items affixed in different configurations and thigh drop holsters and all growing in popularity.


Bounty hunting is an art form where rigidity in dogma can imperil safety, forestall one’s comfort during long hours of sedentary work and also during bursts of physical exertion such as during struggles with resisting wanted felony bail fugitives, retaining weapons and other equipment, and fence over fence foot chases over varying degrees of terrain, weather and with unknown obstacles during the day and also darkness that can cause injury by simply not seeing something like a tricycle in a backyard.


The setup in this short video allows for many points proven since I was in civilian law enforcement decades ago and also while bounty hunting for over 25 years and still going with the same arrangement of duty belt placement and carrying of devices.


The tools one carries while engaging in a protracted investigation or all out fight is a very personal one, and I am not an absolutist to the extent that sharing ideas based on decades of real use is only meant help folks think about different ways to experiment and what works for the individual.


Go Home Safely to Get Paid Safely,



Bailspeak Instructor